Meditation and Reiki

Here at the Zen Den I like to bring a fusion of Meditation, Reiki and Sound healing to take you from a place of imbalance to balance.

Whether it’s emotional, physical, spiritual, or having a desire to clear any resistance to welcoming in more love and joy rest assured this soothing hour of chakra healing ✨️ infused with Reiki is such a lovely way to gently activate change within.

Held on the first Wednesday of the month 7 – 8.30pm here in Stone, Staffordshire.


This will be a healing and uplifting experience where you can get to connect with like minded zen seekers.


Expect to feel more anchored in your peace, confident and more empowered. This is nourishing nurture time just for you, to just melt and relax.


🔸Choose an essential oil blend to help to promote relaxation
🔸Relax into the sound of the shamanic drum and crystal bowls
🔸Practice using Mudras to balance energies in the body
🔸Be taken on a healing guided journey of meditation
🔸Be open to the HEALING vibrations of Reiki as I send out with love to each of you
🔸Set your divine INTENTION and come with an open heart to be receptive to healing
🔸Warming herbal tea to promote sleep




To secure your place please make payment of £15 to:

Account number 01685266
Sort Code 11-07-44


✨️ Mats, eye masks, throws and cushions will be provided (chairs are also available)

✨️ Please wear comfortable clothing

✨️ Bring your own bottle of water


Orchard Cottage, Stone, set in the heart of Staffordshire, ST15 8GG.



” Thank you for a wonderful, relaxing, healing and overall energising night that has helped me with my inner being……just what I needed.” Kate

”A super evening thank you so much xx” K-j James

”Juliet thanks again for tonight it was awesome. As I said when you lifted your hands off me you took all the whizzing thoughts away which I was carrying. So thanks!!” Tracy

”Juliet I just wanted to say what a wonderful evening it was. I felt overwhelmed with emotions and the energy I received was truly an incredible experience. I’ve now booked on to the next one.” Rose

”I love your work. Your energy is just uplifting and amazing…..I had a fantastic nights sleep…..thank you.” Mel