Online Counselling

In recent years, online counselling has emerged as a revolutionary force in the mental health field, offering accessible, flexible and effective support to individuals around the world.

Online counselling has seen a surge in demand as more and more people recognise the many advantages it gives.

You can receive therapy from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are! This makes counselling easily accessible whether you are experiencing mobility issues, live remotely or wish to free up time saved by not having to travel to see me.

You can schedule sessions at times that suit your busy lifestyle, eliminating the need for commuting and allowing for a more flexible approach to therapy.

For some, the stigma associated with seeking mental health help can be a barrier. Online counselling provides a level of anonymity that can help you feel more comfortable and open during your sessions.

Sessions are held over Zoom, WhatsApp or Skype.

To book your session please click below and I will email you promptly with dates and times.